Artist Statement:
Nature is the inspiration for all of my artwork. I have sought to gear my work towards a more sustainable and Eco-friendly presentation in recent years. I felt that my love of nature could be further expressed by a 'reduce and reuse' approach to its display. My medium is watercolor, demanding new paper typically protected by a frame with glass, so this goal was not easy to achieve.
I started this journey by mounting paintings on wooden panels. I was pleased with the results as they achieved my first goal of removing glass from the equation. However, I wanted to do more. I wanted to utilize materials otherwise destined for the landfill. Now, I mount my paintings on reclaimed corrugated plastic election signs. This material is sturdy and long-lasting. As an added benefit, it is extremely lightweight. This opens doors to hang original art in places previously inaccessible - windows, mirrors, shelves. These paintings are safely hung with a simple Command Strip – making them an excellent solution for many places you cannot put a nail.
I hope viewers will enjoy my depictions of nature, both figurative and abstract. I also hope that my art serves as an inspiration to all, encouraging the question, "How can I do better?" in the quest to reduce and reuse. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram.
Nature is the inspiration for all of my artwork. I have sought to gear my work towards a more sustainable and Eco-friendly presentation in recent years. I felt that my love of nature could be further expressed by a 'reduce and reuse' approach to its display. My medium is watercolor, demanding new paper typically protected by a frame with glass, so this goal was not easy to achieve.
I started this journey by mounting paintings on wooden panels. I was pleased with the results as they achieved my first goal of removing glass from the equation. However, I wanted to do more. I wanted to utilize materials otherwise destined for the landfill. Now, I mount my paintings on reclaimed corrugated plastic election signs. This material is sturdy and long-lasting. As an added benefit, it is extremely lightweight. This opens doors to hang original art in places previously inaccessible - windows, mirrors, shelves. These paintings are safely hung with a simple Command Strip – making them an excellent solution for many places you cannot put a nail.
I hope viewers will enjoy my depictions of nature, both figurative and abstract. I also hope that my art serves as an inspiration to all, encouraging the question, "How can I do better?" in the quest to reduce and reuse. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram.
Melissa is an adult taught artist; she has studied under many accomplished artists. A life-long creative, she has always found vents for her creativity such as writing, crafting, gardening, and cooking. Choosing watercolor for professional endeavors, Melissa loves to take advantage of the flow and freedom of wet into wet; then allow it to dry to get more detailed. Experience builds only to reinforce that allowing the paint to do its thing is always the best bet.
Melissa can be found teaching at many venues in and around Pittsburgh. She fancies herself very approachable, recognizing that there are many 'right' ways to make art. Artistic marks are like signatures, unique to the individual. And, she likes to introduce creativity to those who either think they can't or just haven't experienced the joy yet. If you are comfortable with your creative chops, she can offer a new project or perspective that will open your eyes to fresh opportunities.
Melissa is an adult taught artist; she has studied under many accomplished artists. A life-long creative, she has always found vents for her creativity such as writing, crafting, gardening, and cooking. Choosing watercolor for professional endeavors, Melissa loves to take advantage of the flow and freedom of wet into wet; then allow it to dry to get more detailed. Experience builds only to reinforce that allowing the paint to do its thing is always the best bet.
Melissa can be found teaching at many venues in and around Pittsburgh. She fancies herself very approachable, recognizing that there are many 'right' ways to make art. Artistic marks are like signatures, unique to the individual. And, she likes to introduce creativity to those who either think they can't or just haven't experienced the joy yet. If you are comfortable with your creative chops, she can offer a new project or perspective that will open your eyes to fresh opportunities.